Barren Island Day Trip

Barren Island Day Trip

Embarking on a trip to Barren Island in the Andamans is an extraordinary adventure that unveils the unique and enigmatic beauty of this volcanic outpost. As the only active volcano in South Asia, Barren Island offers a surreal landscape, characterized by its rugged shores and the ever-present plumes of smoke emanating from the volcanic activity. The desolate charm of Barren Island, coupled with its geological significance, makes this trip an unforgettable exploration into the raw and untamed allure of nature, creating memories that linger long after the adventure has ended.

Trip Details
Departure Time - 5AM (Havelock Island)
Travel Time - 3 Hours (One Way)
Total Trip Duration - 10 Hours
Travel Permit
Breakfast, Lunch & Refreshments
Fishing & Snorkeling Kits
Booking Enquiry
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